Attach labels to data and variables
This function manipulates labels. It supports different classes of objects, including default objects, data frames, and other types.
- x
The object to which the label will be added or modified.
- label
A character string specifying the label to be assigned to the variable.
When used with dplyr
's [mutate]
this function allows for easy labeling of variables within a data frame.
If used with a data frame, the function labels the dataset itself, and
the label can be checked using the [codebook]
iris |>
mutate(Species = label(Species, 'Species of iris flower')) |>
#> $ Codebook
#> dataset: mutate(iris, Species = label(Species, "Species of iris flower"))
#> Row: 150
#> Col: 5
#> name type miss complete unique label
#> 1 Sepal.Length <dbl> 0 1.00 35
#> 2 Sepal.Width <dbl> 0 1.00 23
#> 3 Petal.Length <dbl> 0 1.00 43
#> 4 Petal.Width <dbl> 0 1.00 22
#> 5 Species <fct> 0 1.00 3 Species of iris flower
iris |>
label("Iris dataset") |>
#> $ Codebook
#> dataset: label(iris, "Iris dataset")
#> label: Iris dataset
#> Row: 150
#> Col: 5
#> name type miss complete unique label
#> 1 Sepal.Length <dbl> 0 1.00 35
#> 2 Sepal.Width <dbl> 0 1.00 23
#> 3 Petal.Length <dbl> 0 1.00 43
#> 4 Petal.Width <dbl> 0 1.00 22
#> 5 Species <fct> 0 1.00 3